Genie Hien Tran



Genie Hien Tran (Trần Phan Minh Hiền) is a visual artist from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and currently based in Minneapolis, MN. Her work takes the form of installation, collage, poetry and design in order to explore the concepts of home, belonging and identity. She has exhibited at Rochester Art Center, MCAD Gallery 148, Suitcase Gallery, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Foster Gallery, Cherry House Art Fest and is published at Volume One Magazine, Leader-Telegram, Twas zine, TWIG Magazine, and UWEC Flipside Publication. She received her MFA in Visual Arts at Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 2022 and BFA in Illustration at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 2018.


PF StudiosPublic Functionary