An event in the name of building QTPOC knowledge systems and filling the economic gaps in mutual aid/non-profit organizing. From 11 am to 11 pm. Zine-making, music, vendors, and upcycled clothing being offered as well. Special guest DJ’s TBA.
How To Support/Participate:
Come to the event and make a zine! Create and add to the larger knowledge system by making a zine and consenting for it to be collected/added to the library.
Materials are always provided, but it’s encouraged that folks who have scissors, glue, and magazines bring their own or donate them to the community. BakiBakiBaki provides supplies and hunts for materials independently so support is appreciated! Leaving materials sustains the effort.
Make a Donation:
The fundraiser generates donations to a fund managed by BakiBakiBaki to anonymously send needed funds to folks who are facing housing insecurity or other urgent issues. The gap in mutual aid systems that is being addressed is to support those for whom asking for funds publicly is embarrassing/challenging.
Other funds from the event go to DJs and volunteers and future venue spaces for events.
Donations accepted via:
Venmo: @Zeam-Porter
Cash app: $bakibakibaki
*Must put “zine fundraiser” in item line*
BakiBakiBaki is a former (hopefully returning) PF Studios artist whose work is based in collage and multimedia projects. They see art as a radical way of life and utilize their teaching art skills to strengthen community ties and contribute to the legacy of QTPOC art and resilience.