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OPENING - Headbomb


New Work by Patricio De Lara

PF Upstairs Gallery 247

Oct 14 - Oct 28

Headbomb wanders between the paradoxical states of joy and fear, probing into a spectrum of fractured understanding and connection. Patricio De Lara employs distraction as an intentional artistic process to create aesthetically diverse paintings and drawings. His process encourages play across visual styles and mental meandering, trusting a puzzle piece will emerge from each pivot of neglected attention. This results in Post-it note drawings, canvases 6 feet tall, scratchy stream of consciousness drawings, narrative oil paintings, and portraits on dumpster cardboard. 

The work draws from various source material, both personal and communal: YouTube comments, familial folklore, overheard phone calls, discarded thoughts, found photos, and memories. De Lara is intrigued by context switching and the ‘simulacrum’, something which replaces reality with its own false representation. Headbomb confronts our relationship with images that mold our perception and prompt us to probe into the absurd world around us.

Artist Bio:

Patricio De Lara is a Mexican-American painter and graphic designer by trade. He has been a Public Functionary studio artist and designer since 2019. Although a lifelong draftsman, he taught himself how to paint through “YouTube University”, with a trial-and-error curriculum on oil and acrylic paint. His binational upbringing at the dawn of the internet has influenced the shape of his work, exploring the space between ideas that usually leads to a bewildering picture of the world. He prefers to station himself in the strange, humorous, and often grotesque areas of life in hopes of catching a glimpse into the beauty that rears its head when you engage long enough. De Lara believes in being unsure and confused by your creations, as it is the most intoxicating form of self-discovery.

Opening Reception: Saturday, Oct 14 | 6pm-10pm

Gallery Hours: Thurs - Sat 12pm-6pm

OCT 14 - Oct 28 | Upstairs Gallery 247